We have one black tri female left from Emmy x Luke litter born August 8, 2020. Very smart, super biddable and shows lots of stock interest already. She is a thinker but also wants to be doing something. She is ASCA/AKC registered from working lines and working parents. High drive but should have a nice "off" switch too.
We just recently had a litter born October 8, 2020 by Kiwi x Luke. Nine healthy puppies born, three male and six female: 1 BMF, 1 RMF, 2 RF, 2 BF, 1 BMM, 1 RMM, and 1 RM. All have white trim but we will have to wait and see on copper trim.
We have been anxiously waiting this litter. Both are strong working bred dogs and are used to work. We expect this litter to be high drive, lots of natural stock instinct with sound structure and super biddable. Deposits are being taken for this litter
We have been anxiously waiting this litter. Both are strong working bred dogs and are used to work. We expect this litter to be high drive, lots of natural stock instinct with sound structure and super biddable. Deposits are being taken for this litter
Black Female #1
Black Female #2
Blue Merle Female - Reserved
Red Female #1 - Reserved
Red Female #2
Red Merle Female - Reserved
Red Male
Red Merle Male
Blue Merle Male